Tango Retreat
What is a Tango Retreat?
It is an experience where you will combine learning Argentine tango, specifically at the level and topic you want in a natural context. A weekend retreat to rest, evolve your tango and enjoy delicious local food. Only for 2 couples, maximum 3.
How does it works?
We find an available date for 2 persons, or a couple.
If you come with another couple is wonderful and easier, but also we can search for other couple. It is only with fully booked places.
We have a previous online meeting to arrange the theme and all logistics.
Includes: 4 lessons of 1:30 hours + Dinner + Stay over + Breakfast + Walking tur at our forest and farm. Or you can go for a tur at 10 min from a beach or a beautiful city in SydFyn, Denmark.
You come and enjoy a wonderful weekend.